Camair-Co: The Accepted Reality and What Needs to be DONE.

Cameroon Airlines Corporation, trading as Camair-Co, is an airline from Cameroon, serving as flag carrier of the country, a role which was previously filled by the now-defunct Cameroon Airlines. Camair-Co operates out of Douala International (FKKD) and Yaounde Nsimalen Internation (FKYS).
Since the creation of the QC Brand (Camair-Co IATA Code) on 11 September 2006 by decree of Paul Biya, the President of Cameroon and its entry into service in 2011, there have been doubts as to the success of Camer-Co as a Leader in African Aviation.

The months of June and July have been an eye opener into the reality faced by this young company as a series of financial wind share seem to be bringing down this company with several attempts from the Cameroon government through subsidies  aimed at keeping its flag bearer afloat.

According to on line publisher  Daily News Cameroon, in an article published on 20 June, 2016 Titled: Camair-co DG Confirms Reports ‘The Dja to be Seized, detailed financial information has been provided. 

Another article still publish by the latter, on 14 July, 2016 Titled: Even the Dja can’t help Camair-co, regarding Camair-Co 767-300ER (The Dja) more is revealed as to why Camair-Co must take quick action through strategy reform.

But! on 28 July, 2016 Paul Biya the president of Cameroon, approved a multi-million dollar bailout for struggling national carrier Camair-Co (QC) Minister of Transport, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o, told state radio. Literally Camair-Co seems to be leaking fuel and the Fuel Leak Check List is not being followed.

More financial bailout is necessary to keep this national jewel afloat but for how long? Checks have to be made, strategy needs to change and every body involved needs to sit up. So much can be learned from European and US operators some of which I will suggest below.

Camair-Co has a workforce which out ways its fleet size. Camair-Co is reported to have 800-900 workers with a fleet of 5 aircraft. Based on the Boeing Consulting, Camair-Co will have to increase fleet size with 9 more aircraft by 2020 to serve 27 destination. To keep the current fleet going, QC will have to downsize its work force meaning employee lay off or in the case of Frontier in 2011, will have to negotiate new pay rates under agreement while maintaining its current work force. 

Efficient operations is key if Camair-Co needs a Great Come Back. Re-evaluation, temporal closure of Hubs/Destinations will help save millions on less profitable routes. Sole focus on  Domestic demand through regular regional and feeder operations with its MA-60 fleet. It is worth mentioning that Camair-Co faces little or no competition on domestic flights.

Lastly, adoption of the Low Cost Model or a Hybrid Legacy-Low Cost model will help revive Camair-Co. Frequent use of Social Media Platforms, Change in Ticket Pricing etc.

Keep in mind that while waiting for 2020, Camair-Co faces tough competition from key airline behemoths like Ethiopian Airlines, South African Airlines, Kenya Airways, Brussels Airline, Air France, Turkish Airlines, Royal Air Maroc  etc.

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