Kenya Airways eyes own flights to US in early 2Q18

KQ former B777-300ER Kenya Airways (KQ, Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta) has formally unveiled plans to make its United States debut, using its own metal, in April 2018. In its application to the US Department of Transportation (DOT) for exemption authority and a Foreign Air Carrier Permit (FACP), the Skyteam member carrier says that prior to the launch of said service, it plans to serve the United States via a codeshare agreement with what it termed, "a duly authorized and properly supervised U.S. or foreign air carrier". As such, the Kenyan national carrier has sought permission to engage in scheduled and charter foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail from any point or points behind Kenya, via any point or points in Kenya and any intermediate points, to any point or points in the United States and beyond. The application was made possible after Kenya secured a Category 1 rating under the US Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) International Aviatio...