Air Serv Begins Operations in Kananga, DRC

Startup team and Cessna Caravan deployed to Kananga

Air Serv has deployed a start up team and Cessna Caravan to Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), to launch a new program in support of humanitarian organizations working in the region. July 10, 2017 saw the departure of the program’s first passenger flight.

Kananga is located in the southwestern province of Kasai-Central, recently plagued by an extreme outbreak of violence and unrest. According to Medecins Sans Frontieres, it has become the center of one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the world.

Following the completion of Air Serv’s Bunia program at the end of July, Kananga will become one of four programs in DRC.

“Air Serv has a long history, over twenty years, serving the people of DRC,” says Air Serv CEO Stu Willcuts. “As long as the need exists, we will continue fulfilling the Air Serv mission of provid-ing logistical support for the humanitarian programs here and all around the world.”

With a fleet of seven Cessna Caravans, Air Serv specializes in “last mile” air transportation in support of humanitarian programs. Air Serv also provides com-mercial air charter, facility, and aircraft maintenance services. The organization has an administrative headquarters located in Warrenton, Virginia and also maintains an operations headquarters in Entebbe, Uganda.



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