DOT set to grant Kenya Airways FACP application

KQ B787 aka Dreamliner

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has granted Kenya Airways (KQ, Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta) exemption authority and tentatively, a Foreign Air Carrier Permit (FACP) following an application lodged in late April.

"The authority sought by the applicant is encompassed by the U.S.-Kenya Air Transport Agreement," it said. "We, therefore, find that grant of the requested exemption authority, for a two-year term, or until the requested permit authority becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, is warranted."

The issuance of the FACP will however, be subject to show-cause procedures. Once secured, Kenya Airways will then have to obtain safety authority (commonly referred to as Part 129 Operations Specifications) from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The Kenyan national carrier plans to begin service to the United States using its own metal in April 2018. Prior to that, it will codeshare with an already qualified operator on its flights to the US.



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